Ayahuasca Ceremony in Spain

Well-known for their hallucinogenic properties and spiritual connection, ayahuasca ceremonies can be thought of as a journey to other worlds. 

One such ceremony takes place at the Dadirria Retreat Center, Spain. The idea of this center is not only to perpetuate the skills and knowledge of those who live there but also to offer help and support for those who cannot physically attend as well as give hope through education.

What Is An Ayahuasca Ceremony?

An ayahuasca ceremony is a ritual that can be traced back to ancient times and is becoming increasingly popular today. People from all walks of life, those who feel lost or those who simply wish to broaden their horizons, find this experience as an entrance to a world of magic and mystery.


To take part in this ceremony, all you need is an open mind and the willingness to discover something about yourself that you may not have known before. If you feel that time spent here will help you on your path to better understanding and healing then perhaps an ayahuasca ceremony in Spain could be something for you.


This center believes that ayahuasca is not just for healing the body but also the mind and the spirit. The ceremonies are very private, personal, and completely confidential. As well as this, they are not open to just anyone who wishes to see if they can take part in a ceremony. There is a screening process just to be sure that this is something you want to do and that it is safe for you. Also, you have to have at least two months of no alcohol or forbidden substances in your system before being allowed to attend a ceremony.

What Happens During The Ceremony?

During this ceremony, many things happen besides drinking ayahuasca made from a vine native to South America. The vine has been used by indigenous peoples of the Amazon for hundreds of years. The other ingredients used are usually chosen by the person, just as is the case with whatever they mix it with to drink it. This can take place at any stage of the ceremony.  It is chosen depending on whether the person just wants to have a restful night, or if they are looking for something more.


There are typically five different stages in which people find themselves during their time here. The first is the ritualistic part of it. This takes place at midnight when everyone gathers in a circle ready for what follows.


The second is a period of reflection, meditation, and personal healing. It is during this time the ayahuasca brew, which is made from a vine found in the Amazon rainforest, is mixed with another plant. The third stage takes place about an hour after the previous two have been completed. The drink is taken at this stage and it can feel like a 'purge' since it can cause vomiting or diarrhea for some of those taking part.


After that, a sense of lightness and happiness can occur. If people choose to take part in an Icaro ceremony, it is done but only once it reaches this stage of the experience.


All said and done, ayahuasca ceremonies in Spain are a unique way of exploring the world that you could not have experienced without the help of a shaman.



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